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The Key To
Digital Harmony 


In an era where digital overuse is prevalent, Baraj helps you maintain a healthy balance between the digital world and real life.

Tap-Control Technology

Mindful Usage

Digital Harmony

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Baraj acts as a gatekeeper for your app usage. It connects with your smartphone and allows you to manage access to your apps through a simple tap. With Baraj, control over your digital engagement is just a tap away – tap to lock your apps and tap again to unlock them


What Does Baraj Do?

Baraj is designed to help manage and control smartphone app usage, fostering healthier digital habits.

Take Control of Your Screen Time

It's not just about restrictions; Baraj also provides insights into your app usage patterns, helping you understand and adjust your habits for a healthier digital lifestyle.

Requires Physical Interaction

To unlock the restricted apps, users must physically tap their smartphone on the Baraj device. 

Limits App Usage

Baraj empowers you to find balance in the digital age. With its intuitive app and sleek design, Baraj makes it easy to manage your app usage and prioritize what truly matters.

Promotes Digital Wellness

By controlling screen time, Baraj aids in improving users' digital wellness, leading to better focus, reduced digital addiction, and improved overall well-being.

Redefining screen time  one tap at a time

Simplify your digital life.
Control your app usage with a smart NFC technology.

No subs
No paid app
Just Baraj


Whether you're located across the street or across the globe, Baraj will reach you for a flat rate of $5 or absolutely free for orders over $75.


It's our way of making digital wellness accessible to everyone, everywhere.

Experience the change with Baraj – your partner in balancing digital life, now more accessible than ever!

Why Baraj Works?

As a parent, balancing my kids' screen time has always been a challenge, but Baraj has been a game-changer. It's so simple yet effective - they know they have to go to the device to unlock their favorite apps. It's helped us establish healthier habits and more family time.

Jordan, 42


I never realized how much time I mindlessly spent scrolling through social media until I started using Baraj. The physical action of having to go to the device to unlock my apps really makes me think twice about whether I actually need to use them. My productivity has skyrocketed. Baraj is a must-have for anyone looking to take back control of their time

Mia, 35 

Being a student, it's easy to get distracted by notifications and end up procrastinating. Since using Baraj, I've been able to stay more focused on my studies. It's like having a personal assistant that gently reminds me to stay on track. Definitely a smart investment for students who need a little extra help with time management.

Alex, 20

University Student

Baraj uniquely combines a physical device and a mobile application to create a holistic solution for managing your digital life.

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